We’re Always Here For All Of You!In order to provide our membership with competitive rates on Savings and Borrowing, we have had to manage the bottom line in an environment where earnings are hard to come by. Deferring some of the projects on new products and services has been necessary. Taking care of our members’ daily needs is a priority and although it may appear at times that hold times are long, every member leaving a message will get a call back from a Member Service Representative the same day. Aside from the day to day services that many of you Nothing much has changed in the economy as rates remain low and Washington continues to be gridlocked on most issues. Where Washington has not been gridlocked is in the area of placing more compliance requirements on financial institutions in order to protect consumers. Although Credit Unions have not been the problem, we are burdened with the effort and cost of placing new compliance rules into effect.
A continued positive sign for Greater Metro is the loyalty of its membership. The Credit Union increased ![]() 2013 Annual Meeting And Board Elections!The Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held at Greater Metro’s main office in Long Island City at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Reports will be provided on the results and operations for 2012 and the election results for the two Board of Director positions will be announced. The Nominating Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Board received two applications for the two Board seats expiring this year and filed these names with the Secretary of the Board. Vincent D’Agostino and Robert Ambrose have been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors. They would fill the seats of the two expired positions. Their terms will be for three years. Members who would still want to be considered for these positions may place their names for consideration through the petition process. Those interested members must submit their applications to the main office of Greater Metro FCUat 31-10 37th Avenue, Suite 403, Long Island City, NY 11101, Attention: Thomas Amato, Secretary of the Board. A petition must accompany the application and must have the signatures of 1% of the members (57 members). These applications and petitions must be received by May 15, 2013. Report On Last Year’s Annual MeetingThe Credit Union held its 2012 Annual Meeting to report the results of 2011 on Wednesday, June 20, 2012. The audited financial statements were released reporting that Greater Metro’s assets grew 3% in 2011 to finish the year at $90mm. Income doubled over that of 2010 but was still only $150k after paying member dividends and the annual regulatory assessment. The results of our annual Board Elections were announced naming Robert Morrison and Thomas Amato as Directors to serve three year terms. Jerry LoMonte, a volunteer for over thirty years, stepped away from an active role in the oversight of this Credit Union. His involvement began while an IBM Employee. He will now serve as a non-voting Director Emeritus where others will draw on his knowledge and experience of the Credit Union industry and more specifically of our Credit Union. We all thank Jerry for his many years of service! This Year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2013 ![]() The Hurricane has left its mark throughout the Metropolitan area. Localities are still struggling in their recovery. The Manhattan Campus, dark for almost four months is finally on its way to become fully operational. Repairs and cleaning of the facility continue, but most of the water damage has been taken care of through the efforts of the VA Administration. Departments began occupying the facility in stages on March 4, 2013. The Credit Union Branch on the second floor will be re-opening in the near future as the priority is and should be geared to services for our Veterans. When most of the employees were relocated to the Brooklyn VA, Greater Metro reached out to the executives of DVA Federal Credit Union to expand their Shared Branch services. Already offering these services at the Fort Hamilton facility, they obliged by adding the service at the Brooklyn VA. Our ATM in the Manhattan Campus lobby was maintained and replenished as needed during the building shutdown but is now being utilized at pre-hurricane levels. Please take advantage of the machine until our branch is reopened. Volunteers,Greater Metro Credit Union Needs You! Credit Unions are member-owned cooperatives. Although there is a paid staff to conduct the day to day operations, the “Management” of the institution is by the Volunteer Elected Officials from among its members. That’s correct. From all of You! We understand that with all of the demands coming from one’s own responsibilities to home, family and work, volunteering may not appear possible. But if you have some time, you can serve on a Committee to become familiar with the workings of your Credit Union and eventually take on the responsibilities of an elected official. Those of you who are retired can bring valuable experience to the table. Those of you currently working at one of our sponsored employer groups can better present the needs of your fellow worker/members. Please call to speak to a Board or Committee member to discuss ways you can become involved. Remember, Greater Metro is your Credit Union!