
More Than Just A Loan

When you borrow money at Greater Metro Federal Credit Union, you get more than just a loan. Credit union excess earnings are returned to you in the form of lower interest loans, high-yield savings and investment rates, plus new products and services. It just makes sense to borrow at your Credit Union!


Our Mortgage Loans and HELOCS are underwritten by our partner Weatherstone Mortgage who maintains our rates that can change on a daily basis. For rate information call Weatherstone at 516-349-8181. You must mention that you are a Greater Metro FCU member.

Designed With You In Mind

You can review our complete loan portfolio on this site to choose the loans that meet your financial needs and budget. Use the menu at right for more details. If you have any questions about a specific loan, or want information and an application, call or visit us.

Greater Metro ‘s low interest rates, flexible terms, and hassle-free loan process make it easier for you to solve a nagging money problem, make necessary purchases or fulfill a dream.

Never Miss A Payment

Make automatic loan payments with Payroll Deduction, Electronic Funds Transfer, or Automatic Transfer. If you don’t already use this FREE service, sign-up today! And, remember, there’s never a prepayment penalty on any Greater Metro loan.

Loan Origination

The minimum amount for any loan origination is $500.00.

View Our Funds Availability Schedule

* Contact the credit union for the most current interest rates and loan details.