- To enroll, select Enroll in bill pay from the Pay & Transfer drop-down menu. You can also enroll in bill by clicking Enroll in Bill Pay in the Quick Pay section in the left navigation.
- You will move to the enrollment page. Confirm your email address is correct.
- Select an account that will be used to fund your payment by selecting a checking account using the Primary Account drop-down menu. This account will be used to fund your payments.
- You will have the option of selecting a different checking account when you make your payment if your membership has more than one checking account.
- NOTE: Only sub accounts of your membership can be used to pay a bill.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the Sign me up! button to finalize the enrollment.
- You are immediately enrolled and can add a payee and make a payment.
Unenroll from Bill Pay
In order to unenroll from bill pay, you must first cancel any pending payments for all payees.
- To unenroll from bill pay select the Accounts/Settings button on Bill Pay Home.
- Click the Unenroll button in the Enrollment section. You will be presented with a confirmation screen.
- Select the Unenroll button to confirm the unenrollment.
Learn more about what you can do in It’s Me 247 Bill Pay – the native bill pay solution!