Enroll in Bill Pay

  1. To enroll, select Enroll in bill pay from the Pay & Transfer drop-down menu.  You can also enroll in bill by clicking Enroll in Bill Pay in the Quick Pay section in the left navigation.
  2. You will move to the enrollment page.  Confirm your email address is correct.
  3. Select an account that will be used to fund your payment by selecting a checking account using the Primary Account drop-down menu.  This account will be used to fund your payments.
    • You will have the option of selecting a different checking account when you make your payment if your membership has more than one checking account.
    • NOTE:  Only sub accounts of your membership can be used to pay a bill.
  4. Click the Next button.
  5. Select the Sign me up! button to finalize the enrollment.
  6. You are immediately enrolled and can add a payee and make a payment.

Unenroll from Bill Pay

In order to unenroll from bill pay, you must first cancel any pending payments for all payees.

  1. To unenroll from bill pay select the Accounts/Settings button on Bill Pay Home.
  2. Click the Unenroll button in the Enrollment section.  You will be presented with a confirmation screen.
  3. Select the Unenroll button to confirm the unenrollment.

Learn more about what you can do in It’s Me 247 Bill Pay – the native bill pay solution!